Travis Greene Travis Greene - Great Jehovah

Before there was life
You were seated on high
From there You spoke time
We were already
On Your mind
Can't explain Your love

Without performance
You called us Your own
Did not avoid it
With Your blood
You poured out freedom
Can't explain Your love

Yeah ruler of everything
Worthy of all that
We could bring
You are great Jehova
All power is Your name

Without performance
You called us Your own
Did not avoid it
With Your blood
You poured out freedom
Can't explain Your love

You are ruler
Ruler of everything
Worthy of all that
We could bring
You are great Jehova
All power is Your

No song we sing
No song we sing
Can explain Your love oh king
You are
You are great Jehova
All power

Great Jehova
Ruler of everything
Our defender
You are the most high king

Great Jehova
Ruler of everything
Our defender
You are the most high king
God You reign

No work
No work good enough
No song loud enough to
Display Your love it
Amazes us Jehova
No sin strong enough
No weapon none
It's stuff can
Take Your love it's
Alive in us Jehova